RCGS Independent Research Grants

Supports research projects on geographical topics that further the mandate of the Society

The Royal Canadian Geographical Society supports independent research projects (maximum of $5000, if applications merit) on geographical topics that further the mandate of the Society “to make Canada better known to Canadians and to the world.” Proposals must identify the topic to be addressed, the methods to be used and the nature of the finished product.  


Awards are restricted to projects that are undertaken in Canada, by Canadian residents and that address some element of the country’s geography. Must be Independent Researchers; may not be students or employees of a post-secondary institution.


Applications for a grant are considered once a year. The deadline for submission of complete applications is February 14th, annually. The Committee usually announces its grants 4-6 weeks after this deadline.

Apply for an Independent Research Grant

I am a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada*
Mailing address*

Please list any pertinent digital assets such as your website, LinkedIn or Instagram account.

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Upload maximum two pages, that must address all of the following: project objectives and their theoretical and/or practical significance; the methodology; and the research plan, with a schedule of activities including project commencement and completion dates. If the project is already underway, please indicate the proportion (%) completed at date of application.

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Please upload a comprehensive budget that includes details on travel (flights, rentals, gas etc), accommodations, food, equipment and any other items in your budget (i.e. data purchase or licensing fees). For each line item please identify (a) the estimated cost and (b) if it has already been funded [if so, by whom] or if you are requesting funding from RCGS for it. Note, you may request up to $5,000 from RCGS. If helpful, please find a budget template here: https://tinyurl.com/2s3zz3mu. Please note, we do not fund travel outside of Canada, salaries or honoraria, professional fees and capital equipment (>$5,000).


Referee 1: Name*
Referee 2: Name*
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