You can help protect the future of exploration and geographic education in Canada.
The vital work of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society provides resources to 25,000 educators and sends researchers into the depths of Canada — we can’t protect what we have until we know what’s out there. That’s why our work is so important. By leaving a gift in your will, you take a leading and lasting role to protect that future for generations to come.
We make it easy to commit to a gift that costs you nothing now.
Important information you’ll need to know, regardless of how you leave a legacy with us:
Legal name: The Royal Canadian Geographical Society
Charitable registration number: 108096371 RR 001
Address: 50 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ont., K1M2K1

Sample bequest language
Sample bequest language
Protect the future with gifts in your will. We have suggested wording for both residual and specific gifts.

Sample codicil
Sample codicil
The codicil, to be valid, must be signed in the presence of witnesses, and the original placed with your other valuable papers. A copy can go to your lawyer and a copy can go to the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.

For estate executors and advisors
For estate executors and advisors
In your work as a professional advisor, you value professionalism, integrity, and honesty, taking the utmost care when serving your clients.
If you have questions about what type of gift will work best for you, please contact us. We will be happy to work with you and your family to help you meet your goals.
When making decisions concerning your Estate, please seek independent professional advice from your lawyer or financial advisor.